- Author
Luca Delucchi
- Contact
las2tindex create a OGR vector file containg the tile index of several LAS/LAZ files.
If libLAS Python library is installed the script use it otherwise it launch and parse lasinfo command to obtain the bounding box of each LAS/LAZ file
Windows users can install GDAL binaries using friendly installer from OSGeo4W package.
$ las2tindex -h
Usage: las2tindex OPTIONS lasfiles
Options are:
-h print this message
-o [--output] output file
-f [--format] OGR format for output file
-e [--epsg] EPSG code of input and output file
Write tile index file in ESRI Shapefile format of all your LAS files into folder
$ las2tindex -o points.shp *.las
Write tile index file in KML format of three LAZ files
$ las2tindex -o points.kml -f KML first.laz second.laz third.laz