- Test Suite
- ASPRS Specifications
- libLAS Source Repository
- LAS Format Elements
- Motivation
- 2010 Annual Report
- Vertical Datum Reprojection and Transformation
- libLAS Processing Kernel
- Re-engineering of las2las las2txt and lasinfo
- Chipper
- Indexing
- CMake
- OSGeo4W
- New Website
- Generic LAS Schema Support
- Refactoring of liblas::Point class
- Refactoring of internal Reader and Writer code
- Generic interfaces
- Faster binary i/o
- Caching reader
- Seek support
- Classification class
- RFCs
- LAS 1.4 WKT Proposal
The libLAS development team are:
Martin Vales
Special thanks to Martin Isenburg and Jonathan Shewchuk for their libLAS’ Relationship to LAStools pioneering implementation of the ASPRS LAS standard that made development of the libLAS library possible.