.. _ironpython: ********************************************* IronPython Tutorial ********************************************* This basic tutorial explains how to use libLAS to read and write LIDAR data encoded in LAS file format from IronPython. ============================================= Hello world ============================================= .. code-block:: python import System import System.Text import LibLAS class Program(object): def Main(self, args): try: try: lasreader = LASReader() lasheader = lasreader.GetHeader() laswriter = LASWriter() Console.WriteLine('Number of points in file= {0}', lasheader.PointRecordsCount) except LASException, e: Console.WriteLine('\nLASException! Msg: {0}', e.Message) except None: Console.WriteLine('Unknown exception caught') finally: Console.WriteLine('Do i need something to do?') Console.WriteLine('End of file') Console.Read()