.. _csharp_tutorial: ********************************************* C# Tutorial ********************************************* This basic tutorial explains how to use libLAS to read and write LIDAR data encoded in LAS file format from C#. ============================================= Hello world ============================================= .. code-block:: csharp using System; using System.Text; using LibLAS; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { LASReader lasreader = new LASReader(@"F:\sample_in.las"); LASPoint laspoint; LASHeader lasheader = lasreader.GetHeader(); LASWriter laswriter = new LASWriter(@"F:\sample_out.las", lasheader, LASReadWriteMode.LASModeWrite); Console.WriteLine("Number of points in file= {0}", lasheader.PointRecordsCount); while (lasreader.GetNextPoint()) { laspoint = lasreader.GetPoint(); //Console.WriteLine(laspoint.X + "," + laspoint.Y + "," + laspoint.Z); laswriter.WritePoint(laspoint); } } catch (LASException e) { Console.WriteLine("\nLASException! Msg: {0}", e.Message); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Do i need something to do?"); } Console.WriteLine("End of file"); Console.Read(); } }